Faith is a journey that takes us through the high and low points of life. We don’t have all the answers, and sometimes we live with doubts. But we believe that God is everywhere present and wants to reach out to us.
As Christians we believe that God is love, and those who live in Love, live in God. this is revealed most perfectly in the life of Jesus Christ who embraced the world through his love; he died for a broken world; through him, God suffered for us and suffers with us. We share in his new life; a life which endures and renews.
We are here to accompany you in your journey; please contact us, or just drop by to say hello.
Prayer is at the centre of our lives. Prayer isn’t just about asking for stuff; through prayer, we get to know God better and commit our hearts and lives to God; through prayer, we can find strength in times of weakness, find forgiveness and grow in love, both for God and for each other. People pray in different ways; some use words, while others prefer quiet time. Prayer is often about listening as well as speaking.
You might want to begin by finding a comfortable place to sit and when you’re ready say a simple prayer such as the below;

Dear Lord,
Into your hands I place my worries, cares and troubles. Into your wisdom I place my path, direction and my goal. Into your love I place my life.
We pray every day, for our world, for our country, for our community, and for you. If you have a prayer request, please don’t hesitate to contact us.