We are here for all the major events in life, and all of life is blessed by God.
At a Christening we celebrate the birth of your child; knowing that they are special and loved by God. During the service your child will be baptised; in other words, they will have water sprinkled on them as a sign of new life and will be blessed by name.
Everyone who lives in Sprowston can be Christened, and have their children Christened in either church.
Christenings currently take place at 12.15 pm on a Sunday following the service at St Mary and St Margaret’s or 11.15 am at St Cuthbert’s. Please note that Covid 19 restrictions are currently in place.
In the service, you promise that you will do what you can to bring up your child as part of God’s family, and we promise that we will make her/him welcome as part of our church community. If you’d prefer a more general service of thanksgiving & Blessing for your child, please let us know.
There is no charge; we ask you to give a donation to the church as you can afford it, but ask you to think about £60.

If you would like to arrange a baptism (christening) please call the office. Telephone: 01603 411194,
Email: office@sprowston.org.uk
Or attend our Open office, 10am -11am – First Saturday of the Month at St. Cuthbert’s, Third Saturday at St. Mary & St. Margaret’s.
If you would like any further information or have any questions please contact Revd Dean Akrill on 01603 426492 or contact the office for general queries.
The Church of England website has some useful information, prayers and resources here